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When plants, animals, microorganisms, etc. die or wither, their remains are decomposed by microorganisms in the soil and become soil organic matter. Soil organic matter becomes a source of nutrients for crops and microorganisms, and decomposes, polymerizes, and condenses to produce humus. Most of the organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms and released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia, while refractory organic matter such as lignin slowly decomposes and becomes humus, which accumulates in the soil. Depending on its chemical properties, humus is classified into water-soluble fulvic acid, water-insoluble humic acid (humic acid), and humin.

Fulvic Acid Extract

Put the humus pellets in a net, hang it in a tank of water, and aerate it with an air pump. After about four days, the pH level will drop to about 3.7-4, and the extraction of fulvic acid will be complete.

Fluvosly (humus pellets) 3kg

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