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Chitosan is a component found in the bodies of insects and filamentous fungi (molds), and is abundant in nature, mainly as chitin, in the growing environment of plants. When plants come into contact with insects and microorganisms, they activate the lytic enzyme chitinase to protect themselves.

Currently, the overuse of pesticides has led to a sharp decline in the number of insects and microorganisms, and the circulation of chitin has been lost. The lack of chitin in many soils is thought to be one of the reasons why plants have a lower resistance to disease and are more susceptible to it.

When chitosan increases in the soil, it is expected that beneficial bacteria such as actinomycetes will increase, suppressing harmful filamentous fungi, and improving the soil environment.Foliar spraying of chitosan is also expected to promote plant growth by promoting germination and root growth, and inhibiting spindly growth.

Usage guideline Foliar spray: 500-1000 times every week to 10 days

Estimated water volume: 100-300L/10a
Soil irrigation: Irrigate with 1-3L of undiluted solution per 10a several times a month.

Land Green PRO 20L

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